Monday, June 1, 2009

Milano Milan Here I Come...

So at the end of the week I'm heading back to Milan for a wee visit. Yeehaa!
Milan is a beautiful city in its own right but what really gets me about the city is the fact that you can escape to the most beautiful, life-changing areas in Italy on the weekends. Just great.
My favourite place to disappear to is Piedacavallo, in Biella. The times that I have spent in Piedacavallo have changed my life.

The serenity is amazing. You are able to really sit back and think about who you are to yourself. Forget about all the worlds problems and just focus on nothing for a change. The view from my window is unbelievable. I look out on a bell tower that I kid you not rings every 15 minutes.

This makes sure that all the little Catholics can't say they didn't know what the time was, and are always on time. The surrounding Swiss Alps provide scenery that could put your gran into cardiac arrest. The waterfall below is a 2o minute walk from where I stay and all the Italians are too lazy to ever walk there, so I am normally the only one taking the plunge. And fark the water is freezing. Click the picture below to truly gauge the size of this here monster.

Overall this is my favorite place on planet earth at present.

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